Jasmina Cibic: A shining city on a hill

Part of Coast to Coast

The exciting Slovenian artist, Jasmina Cibic, works in performance, installation and film, employing a range of activity, media and theatrical tactics to redefine or reconsider the currency and formats of national representation.

Looking through the lens of soft power, Cibic re-envisions nationally representative architecture and art as props and framing devices that nation states and political bodies use when they assert control and enact protocol rituals. Her recent works focus on case studies, such as the Non-Aligned Movement, 20th Century EXPO presentations and the re-branding of former Yugoslavia.

The artist’s immersive film installations often include durational performance, experimental theatre and varieties of delegated creations of artistic objects and spaces which combine the work of architects, musicians, scientists and craftsmen as well as factory-made products, all chosen for specific contextual and historical significance.

22nd April - 21st May

'O' Space, Aarhus
