European Youth Consensus: A Summit of Young People in Europe

Presented by Aarhus Municipality – Department for Children and Young People and Aarhus’ Youth City Council

The EYC2017 unites young Europeans to join in the discussion concerning the rights of children and young people as defined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The EYC2017 will examine democracy and citizenship to emphasize the importance of cultural diversity in the pursuit of democracy and the upholding of rights. The goal of EYC2017 is to develop a stronger and clearer voice for young people in cultural and political Europe by creating a platform for young people to discuss and shape their democratic involvement. Prior to the EYC2017 event, virtual networks will be established among the participants, preparing them professionally and socially.

The hope is that future European Capitals of Culture will continue the concept of the EYC2017.

10th – 14th September


Young people