Hidden Places

Presented by Skjulte Steder

Every city has its hidden spaces, secret haunts and special places. For a number of years the ground-breaking art group, Skjulte Steder, led by the legendary Annette Damgaard, have created surprising uprisings, habitations and situations in some of Aarhus’ clandestine nooks and crannies. Underground bunkers have become places for gatherings, terraces, roofs and abandoned places have been active sites for artistic interventions.

Participatory and sometimes solitary, the Hidden Places agenda keeps the city vital, openly creative, investigative and experimental, and sometimes just down right whacky. In 2017 expect a roll out and up of some further adventures as Hidden Places heads to the sky to put a top spin on all things zen, edible and communal. Roof-tops will never feel the same again.

June 2017 onwards

Various sites in Aarhus
