European Capital of Culture Aarhus 2017 has the pleasure to present a collaboration with Din Låsemed. The company is the latest member of the Capital of Culture’s Business Club.

“Din Låsesmed sees European Capital of Culture Aarhus 2017 as an obvious possibility for a collaboration between business and culture life. That is why Din Låsesmed has chosen to support the year where Capital of Culture Aarhus 2017 will be carried out,” says Per Nygaard from Din Låsesmed.

About the company:
Din Låsesmed covers all of East Jutland from their shop and workshop in Aabyhøj and has a 24-hour service all year. With their long-time experience as locksmiths, they are always ready with professional advice and guidance on how to choose the best solutions for securing your home and valuables. The firm has a wide experience and their locksmiths’ different backgrounds ensures a large field of guidance and great customer service.

You can read more about the company here: